11. Where is the Pink Whale? , My English Reader, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

New Words

Court – a place where legal trials take place and crimes, etc. are judged.

Beard – the hair which grows on a man’s cheeks and chin.

Angry – feeling or showing anger.

Minister – a member of the government, often the head of a government department.

Rupee – the basic unit of money of any of several countries (India).

Thief – a person who steals things from another person.

Kingdom – a country that is ruled by a king or queen.

Answer – to say or write something back to somebody who has asked you something or written to you.

Do it yourself

I. Fun with words:

Try to find ‘wh’ sound words in the following crossword and write appropriate words under each picture given below:

II. Match the following to make complete sentences:

III. Who said the following lines in the story:

IV. Answer the following questions:

(a) Who comes into the court of the king Kuber?

Answer – A short man with white beard comes into the court of the king Kuber.

(b) How much money does the man want?

Answer – The man wants ten thousand (10,000) rupees.

(c) What can the man get for the king?

Answer – The man can get a pink whale for the king.

(d) What happens when the king reads the list of fools?

Answer – The kings becomes angry when he reads his own name in the list of fools.

 V. Make sentences for the following words.

(a) beard – A short man with white beard comes into the court of the king.

(b) king – The king is sitting in the court.

(c) thief – The thief stole ten thousand rupees from the house.

(d) pool – There was a big pool in the king’s palace.

(e) angry – The king becomes angry seeing his name in the list of fools.

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