20. The Sailing Trip, My English Reader, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

New Words –

Sound – something that you hear or that can be heard.

Ticket – a piece of paper or card that shows you have paid for a journey, or that allows you to enter a theatre, cinema, etc..

Drown – to die in water because it is not possible to breathe; to make somebody die in this way.

Children – a young boy or girl who is not yet an adult.

Friend – a person that you know and like (not a member of your family), and who likes you

Safe – free from danger; not able to be hurt.

Reach – to arrive at a place or condition that you have been going towards.

Do it yourself

I. Look at the picture and write the name under each.

II. Answer the following questions:

(a) Where are Avi and Kamna going?

Answer – Avi and Kamna are going on a trip to Goa.

(b) How are they going?

Answer – They are going by a ship.

(c) Who is drowning?

Answer – A small boy is drowning in the water.

(d) Who saves the boy?

Answer – Avi and Kamna save the boy.

III. Fill in the blanks using suitable words from the story.

(a) Avi wants to sail on a ship.

(b). Kamna likes the sound of the train.

(c) Avi and Kamna put the  snail in a pail.

(d) Avi throws a chain to the boy.

(e) The boy had a blood stain on his head.

IV. Write the opposites of the given words. You can take the help from the words given in the help box. (stop, push, lose, catch, bad, come )

(a) find – lose

(b) go – come

(c) start – stop

(d) throw – catch

(e) good – bad

(f) pull – push

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