3. Puss and the Parrot, My English Reader, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

New Words

Hungary – eagerly wants food to eat.

Paws – the foot of animals such as dogs, cats, bears, etc.

Raining – (used with it) to fall as rain

Hear – to receive sounds with your ears

Wait – to stay in a particular place, and not do anything until somebody/something arrives or until something happens.

Do it yourself

I. Colour the bird you find in the story.

II. Tick [Correct symbol] the right and cross out [Incorrect symbol] the wrong statements.

(a) It is a rainy day. (Correct)

(b) Puss is not feeling hungry. (Incorrect)

(c) Puss eats the parrot. (Incorrect)

(d) The parrot jumps on Puss. (Incorrect)

III. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order in your notebook.

The parrot tells Puss to wash his hands.

Puss is feeling hungry.

He sees a parrot.

The parrot flies away.

He holds the parrot in his paws.

Answer –

1. Puss is feeling hungry.

2. He sees a parrot.

3. He holds the parrot in his paws.

4. The parrot tells Puss to wash his hands.

5. The parrot flies away.

IV. Answer the following questions:

(a) Who is hungry?

Answer – Puss, the cat is hungry.

(b) Whom does Puss want to eat?

Answer – Puss wants to eat the parrot.

(c) Where is the parrot sitting?

Answer – The parrot is sitting on a tree.

(d) Who is more clever – Puss or the parrot?

Answer – the parrot is more clever.

(e) Who said the following sentences-

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