12. Means of transport, Class II, My Living World, The Best Solutions, DAV Schools

Something to do

A. Name the mode of transport you will use to-

– go to school. Bus

– go to the nearby market. Bicycle

– go to friend’s house who lives across the river. Boat

– go to far away country. Aeroplane

– go to another city. Train

– go to the city zoo. Car

B. Match the following:

C. Stand in your balcony for sometime and observe different vehicles moving on the road. Make a list of them.






Cycle Rickshaw

Auto Rickshaw


D. Use the help box for naming the following:

1. A vehicle with four wheels. Car

2. A very large vehicle that sails on water. Ship

3. Means of transport that has two wings and flies in the sky. Aeroplane

4. A vehicle which has three wheels. Rickshaw

5. A vehicle that has two wheels and needs no petrol to move. Bicycle

E. Give two examples of each of the following:

1. Means of air transport.

                Aeroplane           Helicopter

2. Land transport having two wheels.

                Motorbike          Bicycle

3. Land transport which does not run on petrol.

                Bullock Cart        Cycle Rickshaw

4. Means of transport where animals are used.

                Tanga                    Bullock Cart

5. Means of water transport.

                Shop                      Boat

F. Read the given clues & fill in the missing letters.

SHIP   (It moves in water)

CAR (It has four tyres)

MOTORCYCLE (It has two tyres)

AEROPLANE (It flies in the air)

TRAIN (It moves on tracks)

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