6. A Spark in the Dark, My English Reader, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

New Words

Alone – without any other person.

Dead – no longer alive.

Gem – a precious or sometimes semiprecious stone cut and polished for ornament.

Away – to a different place or in a different direction

Near – not far away in time or distance; close

Drops – to let something fall

Do it yourself

I. See the picture and write the name under it.

II. Choose words from the help box and fill in the blanks.

HELP BOX – alone, spark, queen, smart, party, gem

(a) Sarika is a smart girl.

(b) Her Mom and Dad have gone to a party.

(c) She is alone in the house.

(d) She sees a spark the dark. It is a gem.

(e) They take the gem to the queen.

III. We have read a lot of ‘ar’ sound words in the story. Let’s have fun in filling the following crossword with some ‘ar’ words using the clues.

IV. Answer the following questions:

(a) Where is Sarika sitting?

Answer – Sarika is sitting in the park.

(b) What does Sarika see in the park?

Answer – Sarika sees a big black snake with a mark on its head in the park.

(c) Who drops the gem in the park?

Answer – The owl drops the gem in the park

(d) What does the queen give to Sarika?

Answer – The queen gives a big shark toy to Sarika.

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