8. A Mouse in the House, My English Reader, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

New Words

Market – a place where people go to buy and sell things.

Everything – each thing; all things.

Little – not big; small.

Scream – to cry out loudly in a high voice because you are afraid, excited, angry, in pain, etc..

Wait – to stay in a particular place, and not do anything until somebody/something arrives or until something happens.

Proud – feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done

Find – to discover something that you want or that you have lost after searching for it.

Do it yourself

I. Complete the flow chart using ‘ou’ sound words from the story.

II. Look at the pictures and write their names under each.

III. Find out the rhyming words of the given words from the story.

(a) sound – ground

(b) pouch – couch

(c) house – mouse

IV. Answer the following questions:

(a) How old is Bhanu?

Answer – Bhanu is seven (7) years old.

(b) What does mother tell Bhanu?

Answer – Mother tells Bhanu to take care of little Mona.

(c) What comes out of the pouch?

Answer – A stout mouse comes out of the pouch.

(d) What does Bhanu bring from the garden?

Answer – Bhanu bring a big round pot from the garden.

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