1. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Raidas, Prabhuji Tum Chandan Gum Paani, प्रभुजी तुम चंदन हम पानी रैदास
2. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Premchand, Budhi Kaki, बूढ़ी काकी प्रेमचन्द
3. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Raskhaan, Sawaiye, सवैये रसखान
4. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Shree Prakash, Ek Prashn Chaar Uttar, एक प्रश्न: चार उत्तर, श्री प्रकाश
5. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Meerabai, Meera Ke Pad, मीरा के पद मीराबाई
6. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Mohan Rakesh, Kalidas Ka Praniprem, कालिदास का प्राणीप्रेम (नाट्यांश) मोहन राकेश
7. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Sumitranandan Pant, Janmbhumi, जन्मभूमि (कविता) सुमित्रानंदन पंत
8. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Sudhamurti, सुधामूर्ति (जीवनी)
9. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Ramdhari Singh Dinar, Kutte Se Seekh, कुत्ते की सीख रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’
10. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Moulana Abul Kalam, Jeene Ki Kala, जीने की कला (निबंध) मौलाना अबुल कलाम ‘आज़ाद’
11. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Balkrishna Sharma Naveen, Bharatvarsh Hamara Hai, भारतवर्ष हमारा है (कविता) बालकृष्ण शर्मा ‘नवीन’
12. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Zakil Ali, Rajneesh, Ek Nayi Shuriaat, एक नई शुरुआत जाकिर अली ‘रजनीश’
13. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Kaka, Haathrasi, Sadhoopdesh, साधूपदेश (हास्य-व्यंग) काका हाथरसी
14. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Ramprasad Bismil, Meri Maa, मेरी माँ (आत्मकथा अंश) रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल
15. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Rangey Raghav, He Janshakti Mahan, हे जनशक्ति महान! (गीत) रांगेय राघव
16. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Yashpal Jain, Chori. चोरी यशपाल जैन
17. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Veerendra Mishra, Kashmir, कश्मीर (कविता) वीरेन्द्र मिश्र
18. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Raghuveer Choudhari, Rachna, रचना (एकांकी) रघुवीर चौधरी
19. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Narendra Malveeya, Tota Aur Indra, तोता और इन्द्र नरेन्द्र मालवीय
20. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Sudarshan, Album, अलबम सुदर्शन
21. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Ameer Khusro, Paheliyan Tatha Mukariyan, पहेलियाँ-मुकरियाँ अमीर खुसरो
22. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Dr, Chandrakant Mehta, Bheetaree Samriddhi, भीतरी समृद्धि डॉ. चन्द्रकान्त मेहता
23. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Sarweshwar Dayal Saxena, Bhookh, भूख सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना
प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी
Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, संचार माध्यम, समाचारपत्र, आकाशवाणी
Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, दूरदर्शन (टी.वी.), STD ISD, PCO, कम्प्यूटर (Computer)
Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, डी. टी. पी. (Desk Top Publishing ) ई-मेल (E-mail)
Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, पत्र – लेखन
Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, पत्राचार
पूरक वाचन
1. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Vijay Marchent, Cricket Jagat Me Anushasan Aur Team Bhavna, क्रिकेट जगत में अनुशासन और टीम भावना (लेख), विजय मर्चन्ट
2. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Subhadra Kumari Chouhan, Jaliyanwaala Baag Me Vasant, जलियाँवाला बाग में बसंत, सुभद्राकुमारी चौहान
3. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, Satsahasi, सत्साहसी (लेख), गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी
4. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Deepika Gupta, Asadhya AIDS, असाध्य एड्स (लेख), दीपिका गुप्त
5. Gujrat State Board, the Best Hindi Solutions, Class X, Mannu Bhandari, Banti Ki Uljhan, बंटी की उलझन, मन्नू भण्डारी