B.1. Write the appropriate word that describes the following. Write them in the space provided.
(i) Keyboard
(ii) Keyboard
(iii) Key
B.2. Your mother believes that as a child you lack discipline, so she keeps things under lock and key. The refrigerator is locked. The cupboard containing your favourite toys is locked. Even the story books you are so fond of reading are locked. Your mother is willing to give you only one key. Tell your partner which key you would like to have. Why?
Answer – I would like to have the key which would open the cupboard containing the story books. I am so fond of reading story books. That I can read them everytime.
B.3. Now read this poem.
Answer – Students will learn the poem ‘THE KEY’ under the supervision of the subject teacher.
B.4. On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the following sentences and draw a rough sketch in the space provided.
1. A key was in the
Answer – Pocket
2. The treasure chest was full of
Answer – Gold and diamonds
3. Secrets were written in a
Answer – Journal
4. He would drive a car when he becomes older.
Answer – Car
B.5. Given below is the flowchart of sequences of events as explained in the poem. Complete the flowchart. The first one has been done for you.
The boy had a key in the pocket.
He found it yesterday.
It could open a treasure chest.
It may open a journal.
The people would cheer if they find the journal
and read it.
It might fit in a sports car
but he is too young to drive right now.
My friends will cheer me when I would drive it.
But it is more fun just thinking about it.
B.6. The child does not want to know what the key will actually open, he just wants to think about it. Discuss with your partner why he only wants to think.
Answer – The child only wants to think about it because it gives him more fun than actually knowing what key will open.
B.7. What can we say about the child in the poem? Work in pairs and tick (✔) all the correct responses.
(i) He would like to become famous. (✔)
(ii) He is fond of reading books. (✔)
(iii) He would like to become rich. (✔)
(iv) He loves adventures. (✔)
(v) He has a very good imagination. (✔)
B.8. Life Skills
Would you call yourself adventurous? Why/Why not? If given a chance, what kind of adventure would you want to embark on? Give reasons.
Answer – Yes, I can call myself an adventurous because I like to do things which are exciting and little risky as well. If given chance I would like to go on hiking. Because, I find it interesting and exciting as i have to go through forests, mountains and valleys. So, I can witness beautiful sceneries as well as adventure.