My English Reader, III, Animal World Section – C

C.I. Are you planning to keep a pet bird or animal? Work in pairs and discuss the following points.

(i) What kind of home do I prepare for the pet?

Answer – I will prepare a beautiful and comfortable house with a proper ventilation for my pet.

(ii) Who will look after my pet when I go to school?

Answer – My mother will look after my pet when I go to school.

(iii) What kind of food will my pet need?

Answer – My pet will need proper food with lots of nutrients and protein in it.

(iv) How much exercise will my pet need?

Answer – My pet will need at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.

(v) Who will train my pet?

Answer – My father will train my pet.

Now tell the class which pet you have decided to keep and why.

Answer – I have decided to keep a dog as a pet because they are loyal and highly alert in nature. 

C.2. Read the story ‘The Canary’.

Answer – Students will read the story ‘The Canary’ under the supervision and guidance of the subject teacher.

C.3. Tick (Correct Symbol)  the correct option to complete the following sentences.

(i) A canary is-

a water bird.

a small yellow bird.

a bird of prey.

Answer – a small yellow bird.

(ii) Molly was very happy with Somu because he-

took good care of her.

had many friends.

liked to hear her songs.

Answer – took good care of her.

(iii) Somu lost interest in Molly because he-

had got a new toy gun.

found looking after her boring.

had become careless.

Answer – had got a new toy gun.

(iv) Molly was lying half dead because-

she was sick and sleepy.

she was sad and unhappy.

she had not been fed with food and water.

Answer – she had not been fed with food and water.

(v) ‘What a dreadful thing!” said Somu’s mother. The dreadful thing was that

Somu was ignoring Molly.

Somu kept sleeping till late in the morning.

Somu often left his room untidy.

Answer – Somu was ignoring Molly.

C.4. Work in groups of four. The sentences below tell you the sequence of events in the story. However, they are in jumbled order. Number them correctly. One is done for you.

2    In the beginning, Somu regularly gave seeds and fresh water to Molly.

3    Molly’s friends were jealous of her.

8    Somu’s mother fed the little bird.

4    After some time, Somu lost interest in Molly.

10    Somu felt sorry and thereafter started taking good care of Molly.

7    Somu’s mother saw that Molly was lying half dead in the cage.

5    Molly could not sing because she was thirsty.

9    Somu’s mother scolded her son.

1    Somu’s father gave him a canary on his birthday.

6    The little bird cried and her friends felt sorry for her.

C.5. Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) How did Somu look after the canary initially?

Answer – Somu looked after Molly very well. He cleaned his cage everyday gave her seeds, fresh water and at tea time he gave her a lump of sugar.

(ii) How do we know that Somu lost interest in Molly? Write three things.

Answer – We know that some lost interest in molly because

One day he did not clean the cage.

Another day he did not feed her.

Moreover, he forgets to give her water.

(iii) Why was Molly in tears?

Answer – Molly was in tears because she was feeling thirsty and Somu had not given her water so, there was no water in her water dish.


Molly was in tears because she was unable to get food and water.

(iv) What did Somu’s mother do after she took Molly out of her cage?

Answer – Somu’s mother took Molly out of the cage and stroked her yellow feather and gave Molly some seeds and water.

C.6. Find words from the story which are opposite in meaning to the following:

(i) found – lost

(ii) remembered – forgot

(iii) sad – happy

(iv) stale – fresh

C.7. You are going on a long holiday. You decide to leave your pet dog with your friend. Tell your friend four things that he needs to do to take care of your dog.

Answer – Give him food thrice a day and always keep this water dish filled with water.

Give him bath after every three day and keep him clean.

Clean his shelter in every two days.

Play with him and take him out for a walk every evening.

C.8. Value Based Question

Why do you think Somu started ignoring Molly? Was he right in behaving so? Explain with reasons.

Answer – Some is ignoring Molly because he had got new toy gun. No, he is not behaving right because as a pet keeper he had neglected his duties. He should have taken care of Molly. He must have given food and water to Molly and must not have ignored her.

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