My English Reader, III, Animal World Section – D

D.1. Animals and birds have occupied a central place in many of our fairy tales, folk tales and fables. Work with your partner and crack the following general knowledge quiz involving birds and animals. You may use the Help Box if needed.

(i) The thirsty bird that put pebbles in a pot to drink water.

Answer – CROW

(ii) A very small animal that shares its name with a computer part.

Answer – MOUSE

(iii) A popular animal found in New Zealand that is also the name of a fruit.

Answer – KIWI

(iv) A collection of Indian animal stories written by Pandit Vishnu Sharma.


(v) The mythological bird that fought with Ravana to rescue Sita.

Answer – JATAYU

(vi) The popular character in films and children’s books who has the characteristics of a small insect.


(Help Box – Kiwi Jatayu Crow Spiderman Panchtantra Mouse)

D.2. You must have read the story “The Hare and the Tortoise. Narrate it to the class. Tell the class the moral of the story.

Now read this story.


Answer – Students will read the story ‘THE OSTRICH AND THE HEDGEHOG’ under the supervision and guidance of the subject teacher.

D.3. On the basis of your reading the story, complete the following statements.

(i) One beautiful morning, a hedgehog met an ostrich

(ii) The ostrich did not greet the hedgehog because he doesn’t like stumpy-legged creatures.

(iii) It was decided to run the race at mid-day because the hedgehog wanted to go home and take breakfast.

(iv) Every time the ostrich reached the end of the barley row, he found the hedgehog waiting for him.

(v) The hedgehogs at the end of barley rows were actually the original hedgehog’s mother, father, brother, cousins even aunties and uncles.

(vi) The last hedgehog was fresh and smiling because he did not own the race.

(vii) On the other hand, the ostrich was tired and had sore feet because he ran several times and befooled everytime.

D.4. The story brings out different characteristics of the ostrich and the hedgehog. Draw lines to match their qualities.

proud – Ostrich

foolish – Ostrich

clever – Hedgehog.

fast – Ostrich

cheerful – Hedgehog

sulky – Ostrich

Write below the qualities along with sentences from the text that prove that the hedgehog and the ostrich possess these qualities.


Proud-He did not wish the hedgehog.

Foolish- He could not understand the hedgehog plan.

Fast- Take long strides and reached the other end.

Sulky – He got tired and buried his head.


Cheerful-He said good morning in a cheerful voice.

Clever: He was clever and made plan. He made his family member stand at the ends.

Stumpy legs – He has short stumpy legs.

D.5. Find words from the story which mean the same as the following:

(i) a cereal plant – barley

(ii) border – edge

(iii) short and thick – stumpy

(iv) noon – mid day

(v) long steps – strides

(vi) pain from injury – sore

D.6. Use the above words to fill in the blanks.

(i) The baby sleeps from mid-day to evening.

(ii) The boy was standing at the edge of the mountain.

(iii) Ravi saw a barley field in the village.

(iv) After the fight, the boxer had sore muscles.

(v) The giant took long strides to catch the naughty dwarf.

D.7. Imagine that you are the hedgehog. In a short paragraph describe how you fooled the ostrich.

Answer – The ostrich was very proud of its long legs. So, I wanted to teach him a lesson. I had a race with him in the barley field. On both ends of rows, I kept my family members at the end of each row. Ostrich could not identify the difference between one hedgehog and another. Finally, he believed that he has been beaten.

D.8. Value Based Question

What lesson do you learn from the story? Choose from the following:

We should not look down upon others.

We should make fool of others.

It is important to be clever.

We should love our family.

Answer – We should not look down upon others.

It is important to be clever.

Give reasons for your choice.

Answer – We should not look down upon others because we do not know what great qualities they possess. Others can know something which we don’t and everyone is unique in their own way.

It is important to be clever because it is the ability to think quickly and come up with the solution to act upon like hedgehog did.

D.9. Find pictures of your favourite animals. Look in books, magazines and encyclopedias. Prepare the mask of an animal you like with the help of these pictures. You may use buttons, stiff card, yarn or other materials to make it.

Answer – Students will do this task in class room activity in the presence of the teacher.

D.10. Prepare a small speech to be given in the school assembly on WILDLIFE DAY on ‘Live and Let Live. You can consider the given points.

We share the same planet.

We have no right to harm them.

Dear Friends

Answer – Dear friends:

Earth is home for living creatures which consist of trees, animals, birds and humans. They are living in this planet before we came into existence. They shared their home with us but with the passage of time humans are growing their population and cutting down the forests for their houses and factories. Now humans can be seen doing felony like killing animals for their skin and teeth, cutting down huge numbers of trees. We have no right to harm them. So, in my concluding lines I want to state that we should live in harmony and peace with the principle live and let live.

Thank you

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