My English Reader, III, Nature Cares Section – C

C.1. Have you ever visited a museum? Write below the names of five things that you saw there.

Answer – Yes, I have visited to museum. There, I saw following things- 

(i) Fossils of extinct animal like dinosaur and megalodon etc.

(ii) Armour of knight.

(iii) Early men’s tools

(iv) Fossils of mammoth

(v) Early men’s arts.

C.2. Now read this dialogue between a young girl Minu and a dinosaur kept in a museum.

Answer – Students will read out the given conversation with proper intonation under the supervision and guidance of the subject teacher.

C.3. Complete the following statements using words from the box.

dinosaur extinct museum dodo tiger dinosaur elephant

(i) Minu went to a museum.

(ii) She saw a dinosaur

(iii) Animals who are in danger of becoming extinct are known as endangered animals.

(iv) Animals that have disappeared from the earth are known as extinct animals.

(v) dinosaur and dodo are examples of extinct animals.

(vi) tiger and elephant are two endangered animals.

C.4. Answer the following questions.

(i) What did Minu get scared of?

Answer – Minu got scared of a dinosaur kept in the museum, when it started speaking.

(ii) How did the dinosaur in the museum look?

Answer – The dinosaur in the museum looked huge with long neck and twinkling eyes.

(iii) How did Minu react when the dinosaur began to speak?

Answer – When the dinosaur began to speak, Minu got scared and tried to run away.

(iv) Why do men kill animals?

Answer – Men kill animals to get leather, oil, medicines and sometimes only for fun.

C.5. Complete the following table with the information from the text.

Statement – Don’t be afraid of me.

Who said it? – Dino

Whom it was said to? – Minu

Why was it said? – Minu was scared.

Statement – I have heard you harm others.

Who said it? – Minu

Whom it was said to? – Dino

Why was it said? – Dino asked the reason of her fear.

Statement – We used to live on the earth.

Who said it? – Dino

Whom it was said to? – Minu

Why was it said? – On asking why it is kept in the museum.

Statement – That’s really sad!

Who said it? – Minu

Whom it was said to? – Dino

Why was it said? – knowing the reason of their extinction.

C.6. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.

huge admire disappear strange attractive hesitatingly

(i) Trees looked strange in the darkness of the night.

(ii) We should admire the courage shown by the little girl.

(iii) When the sun rises, the fog will disappear

(iv) She hesitatingly asked the teacher to explain the poem again.

(v) There is a huge banyan tree in front of our house.

(vi) Dresses displayed in the showroom looked very attractive.

C.7. Given below are the names of a few places having various purposes to serve. Match the places with their names.

(i) An area with lots of trees where wild animal and birds live. It is their natural home. (b) forest.

(ii) A place where wild animals are kept for the public to see. (c) zoo

(iii) A place where people can see old and interesting things. (d) museum

(iv) A place where wild animals and birds are protected. (a) sanctuary

C.8. When we visit a zoo, we see various animals. Write a conversation between yourself and a lion whom you happen to meet in the zoo. You can use the words and phrases given for your help.

(Where, live, cage, like, free, forest, dislike, people, eat, meat, provided, laugh and disturb)

Me – Where do you live?

Lion – I live in the cage, here in this zoo.

Me – What do you eat?

Lion – I eat meat provided by zoo-keeреr.

Me – Do you like to live in this zoo?

Lion – No, I like to live in my forest.

Me – Do you like humans?

Lion – No I don’t like them because they disturb and laugh at me.

C.9. Life Skills

Find out how we all, especially children, can help in saving endangered species.

Answer – We children can make people aware about the benefits of saving endangered animals by making posters and conducting seminars.

Government should ban hunting of animals.

Endangered animals can be kept at reserve forest or sanctuary.

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