My English Reader, III, Nature Cares Section – D


D.1. Match the given parts of the tree with the benefit that we get out of them.

Parts of a tree   Benefit that we get

Leaves – Used to make cups and plates

Stem – Wood for furniture

Fruits – Eaten for taste and energy

Branches – Provide place for birds to rest

D.2. Read the following story.

Answer – Students will read the story ‘TREES’ under the supervision and guidance of the subject teacher.

D.3. Now answer the following questions by completing the sentences. Work in pairs.

(i) Why was the boy crying?

He was crying because he was hungry.

(ii) Where did the boy play?

He played in the shade of the tree.

(iii) What did the tree give to the boy?

It gave him its fruit to satisfy his hunger.

(iv) Why did the tree allow the boy to cut its branches?

It did so because he wanted to build a house.

(v) Why did the young man need a boat?

He needed it because he wanted to have his own.

(vi) Why did the old man look helpless?

He looked helpless because he had lost his ship.

(vii) How did the tree help the old man?

He asked the old man to burn his stump to get warmth.

D.4. The sentences given below tell the sequence of the story, however, they are in a jumbled order. Number them correctly in their proper order.

1. A young boy used to play in the shade of a tree.

5. The old man burnt the stump of the tree to escape cold weather.

3. The young man cut the branches of the tree to build his house.

2. The young boy ate the fruit of the tree to satisfy his hunger.

4. The young man used the trunk of the tree to build a ship of his own.

D.5. Here are some statements given below. Write who said these to whom and when?

(i) Eat my fruit

The tree said to the little boy.

When he was hungry.

(ii) I want a house to live in

The young man said to the tree.

When he was going to marry.  

(iii) My captain is a cruel fellow

The young man said to the tree.

When he was planning for a ship of his own.

(iv) Make a fire of me

The tree said to the old man.

When he was trembling with cold.

D.6. Find words in the story which mean the same as given below. First work individually and then discuss with your partner.

(i) bending – leaning

(ii) strong part of the tree – trunk

(iii) worried – anxious

(iv) a person who works on ships or boats – sailor

(v) a person who is not kind – cruel

D.7. Write the opposites of the following words. Follow the example.

Words                   Opposites

(i) lovely               ugly

(ii) little                more

(iii) cry                  laugh

(iv) happy            sad

(v) love                 hate

(vi) young            old

(vii) cruel             kind

(viii) lost               found

(ix) selfish            unselfish

D.8. Value Based Question as

Look at this picture. The tree says someone is killing it.

If we cut a tree with an axe, it gets killed. But we harm the trees in many more ways.

(i) We cut away too many branches of a tree along with the leaves on them.

(ii) The ground close to the tree is cemented.

(iii) We dig the earth near the root of the tree.

(iv) We put advertisements on tree with nails.

Trees gives us so much. Should we not express our gratitude to them? Discuss in the class how we can repay for the kindness of the trees. One example is given below.

We can water the saplings planted near our home.

Answer – we can repay our gratitude to trees in the following ways=

We can plant more saplings.

We should water them regularly.

We should not dig near the root of the trees.

We should not cut down the trees.

D.9. Think of a slogan on the importance of trees and write in the box provided. You may use the words given in the box.

(Plant one Trees Don’t  Plant Wood Each one Grow Cut Save Burn More)

Grow More Trees

Don’t Cut Trees.

Save Trees.

Don’t Burn Wood

Each One Plant One

D.10. Request your teacher to allot a corner for your class either in the classroom or in the school ground. Maintain it as a ‘Green Corner’. Water and nurture the plants kept there. Regularly observe and discuss with your friends the changes that you observe in the plants every week.

Answer – Students will put the proposal for the above said ‘Green Corner’ to the class teacher. It will be approved subject to availability.

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