The Magic Matchbox, English Practice Book, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

8 The Magic Matchbox


In Lesson-10 The Magic Matchbox’, Neha does a lot of work for the witch. Complete the following list of work Neha does for the witch. Choose the correct word from the help box.

Help Box – catches, stitches, cooks, fetches

1. Neha fetches sticks for cooking.

2. She catches fish from the pond.

3. She cooks food.

4. She stitches clothes for the witch.

(NOTE – All these words which tell us about some action are called Doing Words.)


Neha is playing with her friends near the jamun tree. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with words from the help box.

(Help Box – collecting, climbing, sitting, eating, watching)

1. Neha is climbing the tree.

2. Bhima is sitting on the tree.

3. Kavita is watching Neha.

4. Karan is collecting jamuns from the ground.

5. Karim is eating jamuns.


Underline the ‘Doing Words’ in the following sentences.

1. Rajat goes to school.

2. My mother cooks tasty food.

3. The dog is running after the cat.

4. We should cross the road carefully.

5. She sings beautifully.

6. They are playing cricket.

7. The maid washes the dishes.

8. Neha is watching television.


Look at the pictures and make sentences to tell what the person is doing.

1. The man is reading newspaper.

2. The girl is dancing.

3. The boy is climbing.

4. The girl is painting.

5. The teacher is writing.


Write any eight words you know that end with ‘…tch’.

1. Fetch

2. Witch

3. Match

4. Catch

5. Stich

6. Patch

7. Switch

8. Itch

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