Two Shops, English Practice Book, Class – II, DAV, The Best Solutions.

18 Two Shops


In Leson-22 Two Shops, some boys and girls went to the shop. They bought many things. Write them in the blanks using picture clues.

The children bought two lollipops, three cakes, two biscuits, six pencils, four  books and a few toffees.


Words ending in ‘s’, ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘o’, ‘x’, ‘ss’ change into many by adding -es’. Change the following into many by adding -es’.

1. fox  foxes

2. brush brushes

3. glass glasses

4. wish wishes

5. potato potatoes

6. mango mangoes

7. bench benches

8. bus buses

9. watch watches


Guess the word with the help of picture clue and fill in the blanks :

1. There are tomatoes in the basket.

2. A forest has many tress.

3. Wash the plates quickly.

4. Put the straws  in the glass.

5. We put two zeroes write one hundred.


Some words that end with ‘y’ are changed to many by changing ‘y’ to ‘i’ and adding ‘-es’. But for some, we add ‘-s’ to make them many. Change these into many.

1. lady – ladies                   6. cherry- cherries

2. fairy- fairies                   7. story- stories

3. day- days                        8. donkey- donkeys

4. city- cities                       9. toy- toys

5. boy- boys                        10. key- keys


Some words change when we make them ‘many’. For example, man-men. Write many for these.

1. one mouse, two MICE

2. one foot, two  FEET

3. one child, many  CHILDREN

4. one tooth, many  THEETH

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