10. Water, Class II, My Living World, The Best Solutions, DAV Schools

Page – 79

Write three more uses of water.

1. We need water for agriculture.

2. We need water for industrial purpose.

3. We need water for building houses.

Page – 81


The water in the bottle is clean.

The filter paper becomes dirty.

Something to do

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The main source of water is rain. (tap/rain)

2. We can kill germs by boiling the water. (/cooling)

3. We should not waste water. (waste/save)

4. At home, we get clean water from the tap. (dirty/clean)

5. We cannot live without water. (cannot/can)

B. Crossword puzzle.

Find out the names of any five sources of water from the given crossword and write them below.

C. Tick (Correct symbol) the water which is safe for drinking.

D. Think about your daily routine and write down how much water you use for –

1. Drinking 8 glasses.

2. Bathing 2 buckets.

3. Washing 12 mugs.

4. Watering two pots of plants 4mugs.

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